Dr. Michelle Johnson is available for in-office consultations by appointment only.
Please call 702.240.3533 to schedule an appointment.
Michelle Johnson is not a MEDICAL doctor. There are no diagnoses made in this office. We offer holistic evaluation for energy imbalances that may be associated with your complaints. Suggestions for holistic approaches to facilitate the body’s healing ability may be offered. It is your responsibility to act in your own best interest and determine the best course of action for yourself. Synergetics Health & Wellness provides facilitation to healing only. You agree to be responsible for contacting Dr. Johnson when there are questions, or to order product when running low.
- We give no refunds for products or service, rendered or unrendered, regardless of the reason. You agree to pay for services rendered at the time of the visit, and for products ordered or given at time of visit.
- All new appointments must be reserved with a credit card. Card will be charged for same-day changes or cancellations without a 24-hour notice. You must speak directly with Dr. Johnson for changes or cancellations, not message left on voice mail. Credit card will also be charged for any future unpaid bills.
- Appointments can be moved or changed 2 times. After that, they will be considered void.
- Synergetics Health & Wellness will charge $25 for returned NSF checks.
- Synergetics Health & Wellness will charge an additional 3-4% for credit card transactions.
- Synergetics Health & Wellness reserves the right to refuse service to anyone at any time.
- By submitting this online form, you acknowledge that you have read, understand and agree with all of the above terms. All terms may reviewed verbally with Synergetics Health & Wellness at any time to assure that no future misunderstanding or confusion arises.