As you may or may not be aware, the science of nutrition is always evolving. We have come from needing to FIND the right foods, based on what we know of the plants, amino acids, minerals, vitamin needs for our bodies, to having them available in hard to swallow tablets and capsules, having some of them available in powdered form (that may or may taste great), and everything in between.
We have been at the mercy over decades now of the poor quality of soils, certifications (like organic) that don’t really mean anything (at least in America), toxins in every aspect of our environment, poor digestive system uptake, feeling overwhelmed at the number of ‘pills’ we need to take to HOPE we get optimal nutrition and many more challenges.
One very helpful way of dealing with poorly digested nutrients or to deliver support to needed body systems, when it is understood and available, is homeopathy. It is delivered through sublingual methods (held under tongue), allowing the lymphatic system to deliver directly to the bloodstream, and more rapidly into the cells. The tricky part of homeopathy is knowing which remedies to use, what potency, what dosing.
The wonderful thing about homeopathy is that if you don’t experience ‘benefit’ you won’t experience any downside from too much, not the right remedy or potency. The body will simply ignore the ‘information’ transmitted via the medicine. Homeopathy is a science that has been in existence for over 200 years, but sadly it has been pushed into the background, silenced, called quackery and mostly very misunderstood.
TODAY, we have another amazing opportunity to experience the incredible benefits of easier health via “DNA CANDIES,” officially known as APLGO ™ negative ion PLANT DNA DROPS.
These lozenges are also delivered via the sublingual method (meaning you suck on them) and are absorbed DIRECTLY INTO THE CELLULAR MEMBRANE (via the lymphatic system → bloodstream → permeating cell wall → repairing, restoring, regenerating cellular DNA). This is done through the isolation of ACTUAL PLANT DNA from carefully grown fruits, vegetables, herbs and other plants that have historically been known to benefit specific healing purposes. They come packaged in boxes of 30-count blister packs.
We have 17 varieties now, including 2 which are pending availability. We have a new one which will tentatively be released sometime in the first quarter of 2023. Here is a list of what is currently available and their uses:
MLS: MULTIPLE SYSTEMS (stomach and other organs surrounding the stomach)
ICE: Cool and soothe overeating, heartburn, belching, etc.
NRM: Normalize, balance, support blood sugar levels
HPR: Support and improve liver function and gentle detoxification
PWR Men and Women: Overall hormone support
GTS: Strength, stamina, great for pre and post work-outs and long days
HRT: Heart and circulatory needs
STP: Stop/reduce pain
SLD: Improve mobility, reduce stiffness
BRN: Support overall brain function, including memory, processing, brain fog
ALT: Allergic/intolerant responses to airborne, food, environmental (can also benefit asthma)
GRW: Support immune system (very good for children to strengthen immune function)
BTY: Works at integumentary level (hair, skin, nails).
RLX: Wonderful to calm a stressful day, supportive a good night’s sleep
AIR: Supportive of post-viral recovery, current virus/bacterial infection.
HPY: Helpful for moodiness, more positive outlook on life, tendency to “self-medicate”
We have testimonials from many people of the benefits of taking these wonderfully tasty lozenges which we would be happy to provide. Additionally, it is nice to know that they can be taken in combinations to help with many other ‘conditions’ than the ones listed above, and many health challenges involve many organs and systems. The number taken and time needed is determined by the chronicity/simplicity of the imbalance. We can provide guidance in that area.
ALL DNA CANDIES ONLY CONTAIN PLANT DNA, therefore NONE OF THE PLANT SUBSTANCES are included. To date (over 11 years) there has not been ONE REPORTED INSTANCE of any allergic/intolerant reaction for that very reason. Plant DNA aligns with HUMAN/ANIMAL DNA in the cell to positively affect and influence cellular function and can actually REPAIR, RESTORE AND REGENERATE human and animal DNA.
We are excited to begin to offer these products in our office retail, and/or introduce you to the APLGO™ family so you can obtain your own DNA CANDIES at wholesale direct to your home/office.
Feel free to contact Dr. Michelle Johnson. Call: 702-240-3533, Text: 702-375-0643, Email:
Visit the APLGO ABOUT page here and feel free to contact me to learn more!